Shen Jin, FR4, computer, high precision, BGA, impedance, consumer electronics
Release time:2018/08/11 BGA Consumer Electronics FR4 High TG Immersion Gold Impedance viewed:964
Application Industry: Consumer Electronics
Application product: Solid state drive
Number of layers: 10
Special process: impedance line, resin plug hole, yin and yang copper
Surface treatment: Shen Jin
Thickness to diameter ratio: 8:1
Material: FR4
Outer line width / line spacing: 4/4mil
Inner line width / line spacing: 5 / 3.5mil
Plate thickness: 2.0mm
Minimum aperture: 0.25mm
In the previous: Shen Jin; communication, FR4, 8 layers, high precision
The next article: FR4, immersion gold, high precision, automotive electronics, 10 layers